Thursday, November 17, 2011

Moving ahead with fish purchase

THe following is a copy of the quote Eddie Flicker received from Barry Eaton of Central Florida Fish Farms, who is the supplier Eddie believes will give us the best value. Eddie will be ordering 800 fish shortly.

November 14, 2011

Edward Flicker
Lake Iola HOA
15856 Lake Iola Rd.
Dade City, Fl. 33523

Phone: (813)417-8213
Dear Mr. Flicker

Florida Fish Farms, Inc. is pleased to offer 800 triploid grass carp, 8” to 9” in length, for $6.00 each. If you decide to go with the 500 we originally discussed, the cost per fish will be $7.00 each. We also offer 10”-12” fish for $8.00 each, if you order all 800. The price per fish for 500 will be $9.00 each There will not be a delivery charge, provided the carp are to be stocked at one site, for example, at a boat ramp. We will not stock carp behind every residence, as the carp will not stay where we stock them. The carp will move throughout the lake eating vegetation. Predation should be low if you have Eagles, and Osprey, but no Cormorrants. We gaurantee the carp for 24 hours (not from predation). Please call me at (352)793-4224, or email me to confirm your order, and to set up delivery. My email address is:

Thank you for the opportunity to bid on your pending fish purchase. Please contact me by telephone if you require any further information.


Barry Eaton

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

More Contributors! Thank you!!!!

Two more checks in!
Thanks to Fernandez and Pavek.

Update on Contributions

Thanks to the following who have sent checks for fish!

Barthles, Stella and Barthle Bros. Ranch
Florian Gude

And I have heard from Porter and Buckingham.

That leaves 17 people yet to send a check or contact me. We’ll be recruiting help to contact these folks next week if we don’t hear from them before that.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thanks to the following who have already sent in money to our hydrilla clean up effort



Frank Gude












I’ve also heard from Paveks and Olsens, and checks are coming. We are about 1/3 of the way there!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Funds Request for Restocking Grass Carp

October 7, 2011

RE: Stocking additional fish in Lake Iola

Dear Lake Iola Property Owner,

As you are no doubt aware, the hydrilla grass in Lake Iola has not been substantially reduced by the 180 fish we stocked in May 2010.

Mr. Eddie Flicker, one of our owners, has taken the initiative to have FWC representatives come back out and inspect the lake and measure the success of the original stocking. They have agreed that an inadequate number of fish were placed in the lake to substantially reduce the hydrilla infestation. They have authorized the stocking of an additional 800 Triploid Grass Carp. These fish can be added to our original permit – we do not need to re-apply. I believe this is a much more realistic number of fish than the original stocking of fish to have a positive effect on the reduction of hydrilla.

Mr. Flicker and I are requesting that each property owner contribute $150 toward this effort. There are approximately 48 owners. If everyone contributed, that would generate $7200.00. Mr. Flicker has gotten estimates in the neighborhood of $6000 - $7000 for 800 fish in the ten to twelve inch range. Assuming that 43 of us would actually contribute, that would generate $6450.00, which should be adequate to fund the effort.

Please send a check as soon as possible for $150 made out to Lake Iola Property Owners, care of Vicky Johnson at 31448 Reed Rd. Dade City, FL 33523. Vicky will track all contributing owners and accumulate the funds in our property owners’ account at San Ann Credit. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 352 585 2671 or send email to

Thank you.
Your neighbor, Dan Johnson

PS. Pray for rain.
PPS. There is a blog at