Wednesday, August 24, 2016

More Fish Released in the Lake!

August 22, 2016

Dear Lake Iola Property Owners,

Most of you are probably aware that the growth of the hydrilla in our lake has gotten bad again this summer.  Our neighbor, Eddie Flicker, has worked with FWC and the fish supplier to get another installment of fish into the lake.  Four hundred more fish were introduced into the lake this past Thursday, August 18.    

Just to briefly recap hydrilla control efforts:
In late 2009 through early 2010, almost all lot owners contributed $50 per lot.  In May of 2010, we spent $2070 on 180 fish.  In 2011, most owners contributed another $150 each.  We spent $4800 on 800 more fish that went into the lake in Nov. of 2011.  In March of 2014, another 100 fish at $900 were released.  Owners contributed again in early 2015, $150 each.  We bought 50 larger fish (12-24”) for $1075 in March 2015.  Another 50 went in in May 2015, for $1100.  This most recent purchase of 400 fish for $3500 has used up all but $200 of our cash reserves.  In summary, most owners have contributed $350 over 8 years, or a little less than $50 a year, to help keep the lake healthy. 

According to conversations between FWC and Eddie, FWC will continue to monitor the lake.  The FWC biologists say the average life span of the carp is about 7 years.  With that and the predation we experience from larger fish, birds and occasional gators,  we can expect to need to add more fish periodically. We are permitted for another 100 fish at this point, but we don’t have any more money.   We are therefore beginning another collection to build up funds for future fish purchases to try to keep the hydrilla under control.   So, please send a check for $150 made out to Lake Iola Property Owners to Vicky Johnson at 31448 Reed Road.  Hopefully that will hold us for another 3 years.

If you have any questions about conversations with FWC, please get in touch with Eddie Flicker.  His email is   If you want to have a look at our financial records, get in touch with Vicky Johnson.  And while we’re on that subject, Vicky would love to hand over book keeping and correspondence to another willing resident.   If someone will consider taking it on, Vicky would be pleased to have a conversation about it.  Please email

Since we’re communicating with lake owners at this time, it’s a good opportunity to share a few facts and suggestions about keeping our lake healthy, especially since there are some new people on the lake.

1.       It is illegal to remove the grass carp from the lake. If you happen to catch one, please release it back into the lake
2.       Feeding fish with bread etc. distracts the carp from feeding on the hydrilla.  Please don't feed the fish.
3.       When mowing grass next to the shoreline make sure the discharge of grass clippings is directed away from the water
4.       Do not apply lawn fertilizer within 75 feet of the shoreline .
5.       Never apply fertilizer before a rain event as the runoff into the lake will cause algae blooms and unwanted chemicals to enter the lake.
6.       Suggestion that property owners monitor who is entering the lake on their property. There are some people out there that are bold enough to just drive in and launch their boat. Some of these people will fish all day and remove hundreds of fish from the lake each day. There have been accounts of the  fish from our lake being sold in nearby communities.  Boats from other areas is also how hydrilla gets reintroduced to the lake, so visitors should inspect their trailers for the weed before launching .
7.      Suggest that a catch and release policy be the normal fishing practice for the lake. This is not to be taken as you can never catch and eat  fish from the lake but rather to keep people from removing hundreds of fish from the lake and selling them. Big fish make little fish so removing the big bass and large numbers of other fish from the lake will end up with a lake that has no food for the larger fish
8.      It is Florida law that  boats pulling skiers , tubes etc. travel in a counter clockwise direction around the lake.  Ever wonder why ski boats have the steering wheel on the right side?  This simple regulation keeps everyone safe  preventing  boating accidents and head on collisions when there are several boats on the lake. 
9.      Jet skis should also refrain from playing in wake of boats pulling skiers or tubes.
10.  Keep trash  debris in your boat and take it home with you. 
11.  Although it’s not necessarily a safety issue, please be aware that sound carries really well across the water.  Please be considerate of children and families with your choice of music and language when playing on the lake.

Another reminder.  There is a blog where info about the lake is posted.  We will be happy to put photos from around the lake up if you want to send them to me.  The link is  

Finally, if you have received this in US mail, then we don’t have a good email address for you.  WOULD YOU PLEASE send me your email address?  It is so much easier and less expensive to communicate electronically.  You can email to   THANK YOU!

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