Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Adding more fish

Photo credit to Joe Clifford

Eddie Flicker has made suggestion that, based on apparent progress (or lack thereof) of fish in the lake munching on our vegetation, that we go ahead and purchase the last 100 fish for which we are permitted, at a cost of $1,100.00.

We are not asking for more money at this time.  Our bank account currently has $5,398.69, from which that amount would be deducted.

If any have questions or want to discuss, please get in touch with Eddie..

I’m only sending this information out via email, not wanting to spend our association money on postage.  So as you speak with your neighbors, you might ask them if they’ve received this communication, and let them know.  You could also ask them to send me an email address if they want to be included in these notifications.  I’ll also put a post on Facebook to see if that works to communicate with some whose email addresses I don’t have.

Just an FYI – we ended up our last funding appeal with 35 of our 54 property owners participating.  You can check our blog at  to view participation status.   Some notes on the spreadsheet:  Charlie and Joy Blackburn sold their property to Robert and Diane Sowell, so that update has been made.  I've also discovered that the Blackburns had previously sold a portion of their property to Greg Keith.  I had missed that ownership change, and therefore Mr. Keith had never been sent any correspondence about fish fund collections.  I have updated the spreadsheet to include Mr. Keith,  and sent him information.

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